Allahabad Smart City Mission: Essay Competition

Allahabad Smart City Mission: Essay Competition
Start Date :
Oct 27, 2015
Last Date :
Dec 06, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Submission Closed

Allahabad Nagar Nigam invites all its residents to participate in the essay competition for "Integrated Development of Infrastructure in Allahabad Nagar Nigam" initiative. This ...

Allahabad Nagar Nigam invites all its residents to participate in the essay competition for "Integrated Development of Infrastructure in Allahabad Nagar Nigam" initiative. This essay will focus on the issues faced by the residents of the city, and their likely solutions that can address them. The administration will consider all entries to develop a Vision Statement for the city. Participants are requested to focus on realistic ideas/ solutions related to city development covering the following two initiatives:

(A) Area-Based Initiative


Retrofitting will introduce planning in an existing built-up area, of at least 500 acres, to achieve Smart City objectives to make the existing area more efficient and liveable.

Redevelopment – replacement of the existing built-up environment and enable co-creation of a new layout of at least 50 acres with enhanced infrastructure.

Greenfield - Innovative planning, financing and implementation tools on vacant land of 250 Acres

Write an essay in no more than 1,000 words specifically identifying areas in Allahabad suitable for

• Retrofitting
• Redevelopment
• Greenfield Development

(B) Pan-City Initiative

Integrated development of infrastructure in Allahabad Nagar Nigam:

• Conservation
• ICT and e-Governance
• Safety and Security
• Solid Waste Management
• Transport and Mobility
• Tourism
• Water Supply and Sewage

Essay Competition should be having the following heads and markings as follows:

Introduction - 5 Marks
Tagline - Allahabad Smart City - 15 Marks
Innovative Ideas in any chosen Topic - 20 Marks
Case Studies with Photos / Figures, how would like the city should in the chosen Topic - 20 Marks
Applicability of Suggestions/ Ideas to Allahabad City: You can A4 size maps/ or figures to explain - 20 Marks
Conclusions - 20 Marks


1. Intermediate Level

1st Prize: Rs. 5,000
2nd Prize: Rs 3,000
3rd Prize: Rs 2,000
5 Consolation prizes: Rs 500

2. University Level

1st Prize: Rs. 8,000
2nd Prize: Rs 6,000
3rd Prize: Rs 4,000
5 Consolation prizes: Rs 500

3. Open Category (open to all citizens and stakeholders)

1st Prize: Rs. 15,000
2nd Prize: Rs 12,000
3rd Prize: Rs 10,000
5 Consolation prizes: Rs 1,000

Terms and Conditions

1. The last date to submit your essays is 05th November, 2015.
2. All the participants must clearly mention following details in their essay -
o Name
o Father/Mother name
o Address
o Age
o Contact number / Email ID
o School / College / Institution Name

3. Residents can submit their essay in – English or Hindi
4. Participants should use A4 size paper only.
5. All the entries must be submitted online through other medium of submission should be accepted.
6. The winner will be chosen on the basis of brevity, originality of the content and ideas customized to Allahabad and implementable action points. The decision of Panel committee constituted by Allahabad Corporation on selection of winners shall be treated as final.
7. Copying from websites (plagiarism) will be discouraged and not considered for evaluation.
8. It will be assumed that whoever is participating in the essay has fully understood the general information and terms-conditions given hereby.
9. Administration reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/ conditions without notice.

All citizens and stakeholders are invited to participate actively.You may also contact us through:

Facebook :
Twitter :
Email id :
Whatsapp : +91 74084 22370

Under Review
Showing 38 Submission(s)
Ashish Shrivastava 8 years 10 months ago

परम आदरणीय निवेदन है देशवासियो के कल्याण में दिए जा रहे सुझाव पर अमल होते देखना चाहता हूँ विश्वास है इससे कई समस्याओं का समाधान हो सकेगा निवेदन है की देशहित में सुझाव जरूर पढ़िए और अपने विचारो से अवगत कराइये.....विश्वास है आप सभी के सहयोग से हम महापुरुषों के सपनो का भारत बनाने में सफल होंगे जय हिन्द..

vaibhav srivastava_13
vaibhav srivastava_13 8 years 10 months ago

my small opinion is that te dividers on roads is making roads less wider whereas i would like to suggest that instead of dividers there should be road reflectors like in pologround way near alld. high court near ashok nagar..

vaibhav srivastava_13
vaibhav srivastava_13 8 years 10 months ago

this mission is really so important for us bcoz most of the cities have every thing but still its not as smart.. in my opinion allahabad is not the only but a city which may developed so quickly .. we all just have to make some efforts guys

vaibhav srivastava_13
vaibhav srivastava_13 8 years 10 months ago

i think it will our pleasure to see allahabad as a smart city. its being no. 1
city in most of the cities

madhukar mishra_1
madhukar mishra_1 8 years 10 months ago

स्वास्थ सुविधाओं को बढ़या जाकर आधुनिकरण करते हुए निजीकरण से मुक्त किया जाये, शहर का पुनर विकास किया जाये, बिजली, पानी की व्यवस्था को हमेशा उपलब्ध रखा जाये,

Sameer khare
Sameer khare 8 years 10 months ago

Respected sir(s), This is my smart vision for Allahabad. I personally love this city and being an indian and with the vision of ONE INDIA:SMART INDIA, I take and feel pride to write for 'Allahabad'. Please go through the essay, all the ideas, some innovative ones and figure out the best for the city.

Punam Jaiswal
Punam Jaiswal 8 years 10 months ago

Please find the attached jpg files in chronological order having page numbers.
My name is Punam Jaiswal from Katra, Allahabad. Please acknowledge my work.

anand agarwal_2
anand agarwal_2 8 years 10 months ago

यह नगर प्राचीन भारतीय संस्कृति को अशूण रखते हुए शिक्षा न्याय और अपनी संस्कृत विरासत को संजोकर गंगा यमुना सरस्वती के संगम के रूप मे पुरे विश्वव मे अपनी एक अलग पहचान बना चूका है ।किसी ज़माने मे यह नगर प्रदेश की राजधानी हुआ करता था ।यह नगर पुरे विश्व मे आज़ादी की लड़ाई का केंद्र बिंदु रहा है । इस शहर को यदि स्मार्ट शहर के रूप मे चुना जाता है तो शिक्षा साहित्य संगीत न्याय कला धर्म को संजो कर पुरे देश को दिशा और पहचान देने मे इस नगर की अग्रिणी भूमिका होगी ।